Thursday, May 27

The doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist


Psych 101 - Your Education

StatiC Disposal - Debris - 1975
Picked this up, they sound more like meth-heads than anything, but I can dig it. Proto-punk, psych, and, again, probably meth. Very Influential, apparently.

Ramadanman - Ramadanman EP (HES012)




This is a dude i randomly met on chatroulette, we got to talking of music, and spliffs, and all sorts of things and turns out his music is pretty sweet. Flying lotus and 80's sweat-soaked club jams (see John Maus' transcendental orgasm, Love is Real, here <-) mingle with tangerine ripples of gentle nostalgia. ejnoy this,

The Dream Runner EP

and look at this

Simple Music For Complicated People

sigh, what a great title
and it doesn't disappoint!

Untitled Two

Click on them, they get bigger

White Denim/Workout Holiday

A new classic, white denim's workout holiday combines a canvas of melodic and mathy guitar lines with echoes old garage/punk roots for an all-around good time.


Asiko Rock Group

This is what I've been jamming to this fine morning, fresh on the heels of Nigeria funk blowing the fuck up. Great job!

Lets Marry (dowlod it, dummy0)

First Post of Inter-Personal Expression of Taste/Desperate Communication

This is my image and music blog.
I'm going to be posting with the mindset that it will never be seen, part of the infinite ephemera of the internet.
For this reason, some of the motives behind the posting of certain images may be questioned.
Certain faces may be melted.
I'm gonna post music too, so keep checking in!